Project 50/50 is under way.
I'm starting out the project with a picture of Trent's face which I took in an elevator in low light. When I took this photo, I shot it blind. Meaning I didn't look thru the viewfinder. I shot it with the camera at waist level and pointed it up. Since the light in the elevator was mainly camera left and high, I really wanted to emphasize the shadows and the contrast to light on Trents face. Now, I did a few things right but I also did a few things wrong.
To point out what I did wrong, I think I shot it too shallow. I really wanted his nose and ears in focus. The Apeture setting should have probably been around f/4 instead of f/2.8.
By the way, do you notice how small Trents ears are?
I know you shot this without looking through the viewfinder....but as suggestion for composition you may want to keep in mind the rule of thirds. For any reading who do not know what the rule of thirds is, it is essentially that what you are focusing should take up 2/3 of the image, leaving 1/3 for background. On this image it would be in a vertical setting, meaning that trent's face would take up 2/3 of the image, and a 1/3 band on the left left for background. I agree too, just a little smaller of an aperture and it would have made this photo money, the lighting is really nice.